The unincorporated community of Kitchener, lies 11 mi / 16 km east of Creston along the Goat River.Established as a logging camp soon after the Railroad boomed through the valley in 1898, the settlement was originally named after the current British military hero of the day. Today you’ll find a post office and store/restaurant are all that remain of a once bustling community.
Further east of Kitchener on Hwy 3 the drive settles into the wide valley of the south-eastward trending Kitchener Creek, and begins to seek the crest of the Purcells. Called the Goatfell Hill by railroaders on the south side of the valley who pushed the B.C. Southern’s rails over this height of land on September 14th, 1898, cyclists and truckers find that it’s a three or four kilometer long haul up a persistent four or five percent grade. This 900-meter pass is the spine of the Moyie Range, part of the Purcell Mountains. It’s mostly a coast by cycle to the intersection of Hwy 3/95. The international border is only another 8 mi / 13 km at the Kingsgate /Porthill International Border, which is open 24 hours.